Scenery Beta 09 Winners

NoticiasPSPNDSWiiScenery Beta 2009en

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Finally we can publish the winners of the Scenery Beta 2009. There has been a lot of good Homebrew over our 4 communities, a nice fair play and the feedback of hundreds of user who have been voting and posting in order to improve all the works. Here it is, the final list with all the winners. Congratulations.

On the winners name, you can see a little banner (150x150) by Loopin, one of our Staff members. We know that a lot of coders have their own home page, so you can upload it there in order to promote your Homebrew, you can even add a link to the final results of the contest, so everybody can check that you are one of the winners.

We remember you the awards, described in the Scenry Beta 2008 Rules:

  • 1st place: 150€ + Trophy + 4GB Pendrive + Stickers + Diploma
  • 2nd place: 100€ + Trophy + 4GB Pendrive + Stickers + Diploma
  • 3rd place: 50€ + Trophy + 4GB Pendrive + Stickers + Diploma
  • 4th place: 4GB Pendrive + Stickers + Diploma
  • 5th place: 4GB Pendrive + Stickers + Diploma

We will also give a 2GB Pendrive to those Homebrew which have been presented to the off-contest section, to try to encourage those coders to finalize their projects.

The organization is very happy with the Scenery Beta, so there will be a 2010 edition. Prepare your consoles.

We also want to thank you all the users, Staff Members and specially coders, this little homage wouldnt be possible without them.

Long live the Scene!!!

Scenery Beta 09 Winners, PC platform

  • Applications category:

AppCompilation v3.0, kix2902

PortScan v2.5, sergiota19

4th place:

LanChat v1.3, Mark3r

5th place:

Morse v1.0.2, sergiota19

eglomer (Himitsu) hasn't voted in the games coders poll so he has achieved a zero in that score.

  • Games category:

Hackers-Liberacion v0.3.0, Daggoth

Kraken Panic v1.0, IceVAN

4th place:

Dribling car's v1.0, sergiota19

5th place:

neoPicross v1.0, eljako

AxelTheAs (Dragon and Weed) has voted for himself in the coders poll, so he has been disqualified from the Scenery Beta.


Scenery Beta 09 Winners, NDS platform

  • Applications category:

MorseDS v0.2, Aguilera_87

X-Soft v9.5 Gold bugfix, Master Sonic


4th place:

PikUsos DS v2.0, _Pikus_

5th place:

ChaTchI v1.1, eglomer

carlo999 (Note DS) didn't vote in the coders voting, so he obtains a zero in that score.

  • Games category:


No Sabe / No Contesta v1.0, Aguilera_87

DawnSeekers v31082009, smealum

Navy Wars v1.20090830, Knightfox

4th place:

Brix DS v3.0, Boive

5th place:

Lights Out! v2.0, eglomer


Scenery Beta 09 Winners, Wii platform

  • Applications category:

GiiBii v0.1, AntonioND

Wiituka v0.98.8, D_Skywalk


Botoning v0.1, eglomer
  • Games category:


Karaokii v0.05, pedrocrespo

Robo Tank v0.6.8, copete23

StillAliveWii v1.1, t4ils

4th place:

PlasmaRaketii v0.9, TassuP

5th place:

Senet v0.05, pedrocrespo

Scenery Beta 09 Winners, PSP platform

  • Applications category:

downPSP v2.21, carlosgs

PSPCleaner v1.5, Migueliziosop

GNX Project v1.0 GNX-A, Geniux

4th place:

 Multi Updater v0.7, tepsicore_93

5th place:

Themetool v1.2 C, Dark_Santi

Adrin (Project Alpha) didn't vote in the coders voting, so he obtains a zero in that score.

Ðαrκ_Ðrαgøn-ßlαcκ (Todo Info PSP) didn't vote in the coders voting, so he obtains a zero in that score.

  • Games category:


Guitarra Gero v2.0, P22

SaveTheCastle v1.5, rubenelportero

El Ahogado v2.5, el__QAT

4th place:

 Clickr v1.6, ktix007

5th place:

 PHYN3D v0.4b, walar

Xteaph-N (RPG Demo) didn't vote in the coders voting, so he obtains a zero in that score.

catadevelop (JAZT) hasn't voted in the applications coders poll so he has achieved a zero in that score.

Tu voto: Ninguno Votos totales: 4.4 (24 votos)

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The results of NDS and Wii

The results of NDS and Wii section are totally unjustified, funny sentence! Bad competition :p

Imagen de NITEMAN


Certainly everybody has an opinion about the results and his own preferences... but i think that i's a little unfair to say that it has been a bad competition.

Lets wait for coder's suggestions in order to improve the next Scenery Beta.


"El paraí­so a mi derecha, el infierno a mi izquierda y el ángel de la muerte tras de mi."


 But I did'nt know for this rule O_O... It's not cool :(

Imagen de Unicorn

Hello AxelTheAs

I'm Unicorn, one of the organizers of the Scenery Beta. We are Spanish, and unfortunately we only can speak Spanish and a little of English. There are coders from France, Belgium, Germany, USA...and its impossible for us to be able to speak all the languages, so we decided to communicate with the coders in English, maybe the most important language nowadays.

As Niteman has told you in the forum, the rules are clearly explained, and you have supposed to have read them it you are taking part in the contest. Despite of that, we sent to all the coders an email explaining the rules of the votings on 4th September 2009, 21:34 GMT+2, in wich we wanted you to ask us if you have any doubt about them.

We thought about letting you change your votes, but we realised that it would be very unfair for the rest of participants if you were the last one to vote, because you could change your voting with the final results in front of you, and you could easily decide which Homebrew you wanted to win.

So there is nothing we can do now, we hope that you enjoyed the contest, and we do like you to take part in the next Scenery Beta 2010.

Regards coder, and congratulations for your great game.

Para recibir ayuda más rápidamente, recomendamos que pongas títulos descriptivos y no utilices abreviaturas (estilo MSN) en tus post de los foros. Recuerda revisar el Manual del perfecto forero y las Normas de la Comunidad.

Imagen de NITEMAN


It was clearly stated in the rules, please check it.


Imagen de M. Lucanius


Congratulations to the winners!!!

¡Enhorabuena a los ganadores!

Imagen de Jaimeys


como puedo borrar el comentario???

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