Finally we can publish the winners of the Scenery Beta 2010. There has been a lot of good Homebrew in all platforms, specially in NDS games, in which the quality of the works have been impressive. A nice fair play and the feedback of hundreds of user who have been voting and posting in order to improve all the works. Here it is, the final list with all the winners. Congratulations.
On the winners name, we add a little banner (150x150) by Loopin, one of our Staff members. We know that a lot of coders have their own home page, so you can upload it there in order to promote your Homebrew, you can even add a link to the final results of the contest, so everybody can check that you are one of the winners.
We remember you the awards for PSP, NDS, Wii and PC described in the Scenery Beta 2010 Rules:
We remember you the awards for iApps and Android described in the Scenery Beta 2010 Rules:
The organization is very happy with the Scenery Beta, so there will be a 2011 edition. Prepare your consoles.
We also want to thank you all the users, Staff Members and specially coders, this little homage wouldnt be possible without them.
Long live the Scene!!!
Mira, ktix007
4th place:
Nintendo DS Code Manager, AlmamuPP
5th place:
Blogit!, Sizoid
Toy War, davidgf
Red's Trident, leumas92
4th place:
YABOG, joserc87
5th place:
Campo Estelar 2010, Puyover
DB Downloader, javils
MasterSO, The Dark Master
4th place:
Duyumania, nacho cuesta
HTE: Hack To Escape, 4n4bol
SpeedTrap, KnightFox
4th place:
Chapas GP, Jovin
5th place:
Squar0, Aguilera_87
LuaFWii, the_marioga
TesterBu, csar.ale
Robi, copete23
Scape, Sheeft
NanoMechas, EvilTroopa
4th place:
Wiipeng!, Puyover
5th place:
Dispara a la Diana, Calabato64
Cristal Sky, Arbër
Multitasking, carlosgs
CSBAW + CSBUG, Chimecho
4th place:
IphoneV-PSP, sergi70
5th place:
PSPlaylist, moikop
Toy War, davidgf
Crazy Balls, Chimecho
Ionos, DeViaNTe
4th place:
SkullGrog, gorglucks
5th place:
DiferenciaSP, sting18
Talk, ktix007
convDroid, Sloy
XTower, walar
FlySwat, ktix007
TicTacDroide, Sloy
Sword of Crappy Tales, Eskema